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Breathing Easy......Kicking Your Inhaler to the Curb

Did You Know?

Chiropractic care can improve your respiration.

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Asthma is a very common diagnosis and according to a recent study it is massively over-diagnosed. Aaron, VandemHeen and Fitzgerald found that a full third (203 out of 613) of a population of adult Canadians diagnosed with asthma did not meet the clinical definition of the condition upon re-evaluation (even if they were still prescribed and using an inhaler). A follow-up of this population 12 months later determined that 181 of the 203 still had no clinical symptoms of asthma.

How could this happen?

The researchers found that in 49% of the asthma diagnoses there had been no spirometry test which is critical to make a complete diagnosis. The spirometry test for asthma actually tests airflow from the lungs both with and without the albuterol inhaler.

The larger question is what is leading so many people to situations in which they cannot comfortably breathe? Lets take a look.

Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic in general has tremendous benefit on people with respiratory conditions, and in light of new research let’s take a look at some potential mechanisms that may be solved with Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic tools versus pharmaceutical ones.

Sympathetic (over stimulated) Nervous System dominance:

In 1999 Van der Velden and Hulsmann found “nervous system control of the airways may be abnormal in asthmatic patients, and that neurogenic mechanisms may contribute to the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of asthma. Stimulation of nerves causes bronchoconstriction, mucus secretion, and bronchial vasodilation.” When the body is in an overall sympathetic (over stimulated) dominance there is greater likelihood towards restriction of the respiratory system and a tendency towards obstruction in the respiratory pathway.

Diaphragm restriction:

Bordoni and Zanier write “It is not well known, but the respiratory diaphragm has connections from the pelvic floor to the floor of the mouth. Restriction in the spine and the associated structures of the back can play a role in diaphragm restriction.”


Its no secret that posture is a major modern challenge. From the popular phrase “sitting is the new smoking” shared by Dr. James Lavine of the Mayo clinic, to the epidemic that “text neck” posture is playing, a large but underappreciated effect is playing out on our bodies. A basic look at standard poor posture will find a forward head carriage, rounded shoulders, stretched and weak back muscles, tight hip flexors and many other postural issues. All of these have one thing in common, it tightens the front of the body (where the breath primarily expands) and weakens the back of the body. This alone could be playing a major role in people having a hard time breathing.

Fascia (connective tissues in the muscles, joints, and lungs):

A fellow chiropractor, Dr. David Cosman DC shares that “muscle fascia attaches to internal fascia including the fascia surrounding the lungs. Deep fascia of the muscular system support the internal fascia of the respiratory system. Old injuries and problems can result in dysfunctional lung problems.”

Emotional causes (stress effects):

We also know that repressed emotions and chronic stresses negatively effect the emotional motor system (EMS) which will shut down respiration. When this happens, respiration becomes shallow and restricted. Holstege and Subramanian write “In simple terms, stress effects the most basic brain structures regulating respiratory behavior, which always has a negative effect on proper lung function.” The more emotionally stressed we are, or have been in the past, directly effects our ability to breathe freely.

So how does Network Spinal Analysis Improve Respiration?

By effecting each of the above issues at a Nervous System level, Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic as practiced in this office allows the body to release old tension patterns and stress reactions so the body, and lungs, can operate correctly.

Please share this information with those you know who suffer from Asthma and Respiratory issues. There is a great chance to get them off of their medications and restore function to their respiratory systems through chiropractic care!

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